500+ Daily active users
Over 1k open job positions
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Qualified people hired
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Our Mission

GDTrustCompany was born out of the growing need of professionals with strong skills. In the 10+ years we had been helping business owners we’ve come to understand the struggle to find the right people for the right job. You’ve most likely seen the hundreds or even thousands of applications that other recruiters have to process. Even with so many applicants most companies still have to teach new employees everything from the beginning. This costs a lot of money and wastes opportunities to more qualified candidates.

We want to fix this problem. We make sure only the best workers get the jobs. We want everyone to have a fair chance to get a job based on what they know, not who they know or what school they went to.

Los trabajos de tus sueños te están esperando

Más de 500.000 interacciones y 20.000 casos de éxito.

Conectando profesionales certificados con oportunidades de empleo de alta calidad

Únete a nosotros y encuentra tu trabajo ideal

¿Cómo funciona?

Encuentre el ajuste perfecto para su equipo